Thursday 1 January 2015

Welcome back!

Dear 6 Joy,

A very warm welcome back to school! A year has passed quickly and now, you have reached the most important year in your primary school journey. I have seen you grown and mature in the past year to become sensible, caring and responsible children. I will try my utmost best to bring out the best potential in you. In your capacity as a student, you possess the power and ability to change and shape your future. This idiom 'You reap what you sow' really resonates with me. If you sow, so shall you reap. Your effort determines your results, your achievement and your future. So, mould your bright future in the right way with your own hands. I look forward to a year of laughter and hopefully no tears with 6 Joy. Remember to be kind to your peers, teachers, parents and everyone around you because everyone you meet could be fighting a hard battle which you know nothing about:)

Rules of Class Blog to take note

Before I end off, let me just recapitulate the rules of this class blog. 

1. This is a private class blog, hence please refrain from giving the blog address to external parties (friends from other class or schools, etc) as there had been previous cases of mischief.

2. Parents and pupils can leave comments after blog posts or on the message board to ask questions. Pupils can also use it to share ideas/educational links with friends simply by clicking on the link "comments" or leaving a message on the message board . Do not abuse the comments function or the message board for your own chatting purposes. (e.g. I have taken dinner, how about you?) Pupils who violate the rules will be banned.

3. Pupils of 6 Joy, this blog is mainly to help you in your learning and NOT for entertainment purposes. Homework, announcements and other important messages would be updated here, but for a more timely follow-up, you ought to write them down in your Pupil's diary. You are reminded to exercise discipline.

4. If you do not have internet access or permission to go online, not to worry, everything posted in the blog will be mentioned in class too. For those who have free access to internet, don't spend too much time online. A visit of 5 minutes a day to the class blog is good enough to keep yourself updated.

5. Please come to me personally if you have any work related or personal problems. Remember that I am your teacher and also your mentor.

Have fun exploring all that you can learn!

See you tomorrow!

Mrs Ong

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