Friday 30 January 2015



1. Math Branching WS Corrections
2. Do Math AB pg 39 to 42


1. Do SW
2. Grammar Package pg 2 to 4
3. Stellar LS pg 12/13


1. Bring EZ-link card
2. Do Mrs Tan's homework (Due on Wednesday 4/2)

Reminder: The PPT Slides for the Social Studies Project must be completed by Tuesday 3/2

Thursday 29 January 2015



  1. Situational  Writing

  1. Fractions W/S 5 again
  2. Math branching W/S 1 and 2 Corrections
  3. Math AB pg. 35-38
  4. Algebra W/S 1

  1. Science AB Activity 18 and 20

  1. Show letter to parents 

Wednesday 28 January 2015



1. Do Maths Corrections and Re-corrections
2. Do Fractions WS 5


1. Do Stellar LS pg 5, 6, 10, 11


1. Show school letter to parents

Reminder: For those who haven't, do research on the address or PPT project for Social Studies! (:

Greetings in Tagalog:


Magandang umaga Mrs Ong at mga kaibigan. Maligayang pagdating sa 6 Joy.


Magandang tanghali Mrs Ong at mga kaibigan. Maligayang pagdating sa 6 Joy.

Thank You:

Maraming salamat Mrs Ong, magandang araw sa inyo at magkita tayo bukas.

Do correct me if I made a mistake!

Tuesday 27 January 2015


  1. Do Branching method W/S 1-3
  2. Do Dictation Corrections and parents to sign
  3. English LS pg.7-9
  4. Search for spelling words in Stella Reader 
  5. Bring a dictionary

Articles on Working Dogs

Dear children,

Please click on the links below to read more about working dogs. There are many different types of working dogs and they play different roles.  Do learn about the roles/functions they play and the responsibilities that they have.

Enjoy learning!

Mrs Ong

Monday 26 January 2015



1. Do MA AB pg 11 to 40
2. Sign MA Olympiad letter


1. Stellar LS Corrections (Grammar) and Parents to sign
2. Bring Dictionary
3. Research man-pet relationship / caring for pets

Saturday 24 January 2015



1. Do MA AB pg 7 to 10
2. Do Fractions WS 4 Corrections


1. Compo and writing checklist (Do refer to the DIFAS template, peer evaluation rubric and the PPT slides)
2. Journal (Due Tuesday)

Reminder: Do research on the social studies PPT project and the address and name for the postcard if you haven't. ^^

Thursday 22 January 2015


  1. Re-do pg. 1 and 2 of Math AB
  2. Do pg. 5 and 6 of Math AB
  3. Social Studies-research on the name and address for the contact you are writing to
  4. Do Science AB pg. 38 and 39
  5. Jot down ideas for compo on PPT
Reminder: There is English dictation tomorrow

Wednesday 21 January 2015

Horror Reader's Theatre - The Boy Who Wanted the Willies

Dear children,

Please click here to read a short reader's theatre about a boy who wanted the willies. Remember that for the month off February, our genre for English Read Period is horror!:)

Enjoy reading!

Mrs Ong

Website Link on Bullying

Dear children,

As mentioned in class today, please click here to explore the website on bullying. It shares with you facts about bullying as well as the different forms of bullying that can occur such as youth bullying and sports bullying.

Have fun exploring the website and let us all say NO to bullying.

Mrs Ong



1. Fractions WS 3 Corrections
2. AB pg 3/4


1. Read pg 8 to 11 and underline or highlight keywords
2. Do SW Draft 2

Tuesday 20 January 2015


  1. Fractions W/S 2 Corrections
  2. AB pg.25/26 Corrections
  3. Complete Stellar LS pg.2
  4. Research on Horror stories
  5. Do pg.9 AF Stellar LS (PTPT)
  6. Research for Social Studies
  7. Sign and do spelling Corrections

Monday 19 January 2015



1. Fractions WS 1 Corrections
2. Fractions WS 4
3. AB pg 1/2


1. Do Stellar pg 6 and pg 3 corrections


1. Forces WS 1

Sunday 18 January 2015

English Grammar: Relative Pronouns

Dear children,

Click here to be directed to the link on relative pronouns to see how much you have learnt and understood the lesson!

Do try out the other grammar items as well on the right sidebar and read up in-depth on the other grammar items! Have fun exploring!

Mrs Ong

Saturday 17 January 2015



Problem Solving WS 3
MA AB pg 25/26 Corrections
Fraction WS 2 Corrections

Research on cyberbullying
Do Journal (Topic: Which character from a book would you like to meet and why?)

Thursday 15 January 2015


  1. Do problem solving W/S 2
  2. Do Math pg.33 and 34 Corrections
  3. Do Situational Writing
  4. Do Stellar corrections and parents to sign 
  5. Do Science Journal and bring a toy for Science (if you have)
  6. Research on the translations of other languages into English
Reminder: There is a EZ Link photo shoot tomorrow

Wednesday 14 January 2015



1. Show edusave withdrawal form to parents


1. Math AB pg 19 to 24 and Fraction WS 1 corrections
2. Fractions WP Worksheet 1


1. Do Stellar LS pg 2/3, 10


1. Do FTGP Pg 31/32


  1. Show edusave withdrawal form to parents
  2. Do FTGP pg 31 and 32
  3. Do Stellar LS pg.2,3,10
  4. Math AB pg.19-24 corrections and Fractions W/S 1 corrections
  5. Fractions WP W/S 1

Monday 12 January 2015



1. Show Math Venture to parents (For those in Mrs Ong's math class)
2. Show library reg. letter to parents


1. MA AB Pg 23-26 & 33/34
2. MA AB Pg 17/18 Corrections


1. Science AB pg 36/37 (Question 1 and 2 only)


1. Mrs Tan's homework (Due Wednesday 14/11)
2. Make PTPT chart

Saturday 10 January 2015

Homework for 9/1/15


1. Show letters to parents


1. Do Stellar Unit 1 LS
2. Do Journal (Due Tuesday) Topic: My December Holiday Experience
3. Spelling next Friday


1. Do Fractions W/S 1 corrections
2. Do Math AB pg 15/16 corrections
3. Do Math AB pg 19-22

*Sorry for the late post! ><

Fractions Worksheet 1 Corrections

Dear children,

I am aware that some of you are having problems with the corrections on Page 3 Question 11 of the worksheet.

I did not have time to go through that day but I will be going through on Monday.

In the meantime, you can try it on your own first.

Webmasters, please ensure HW is posted:)

Mrs Ong

Thursday 8 January 2015

Important Information for Parents

Dear parents,

Thank you for taking time off to attend today's Meet the Parent session. I hope you find the talk conducted by the school leaders informative and the sessions with the teachers in the classroom helpful.

I have received queries with regards to the Direct School Admission Secondary Exercise. I have researched and found important information listed on the MOE websites. However, please note that the information is based on 2014 (for admission to Secondary One in 2015) and the latest information for 2015 is not available yet.

Please feel free to check the MOE websites I will be sharing shortly for updates from time to time. It is important to note that the application deadline for each DSA-Sec School may be different. So, it is always good to check the websites of the school your child is interested in for updates. The individual schools may also share the application criterion on their websites as well as the audition, interview and supporting documents required for the application. You can click here for an example. 

For information on DSA-Sec Exercise, please click here.

For list of participating DSA Secondary Schools and their niche areas, please click here.

For the flowchart of stages of the DSA registration exercise, please click here.

When you visit the above webpages, you can also find other relevant links related to DSA such as Frequently Asked Questions and the DSA-Sec Internet System.

I hope you find the above information helpful to you and your child and I will be happy to answer any queries should you have them.

Warmest Regards,
Mrs Vanessa Ong


  1. Complete MA AB pg 17/18
  2. Sign Pupil Updating Form
  3. Complete Stellar pg 2,3 and 6
  4. Bring a dictionary
  5. Science (organise eg. of forces on the biology book
  6. Parents to sign handbook

Wednesday 7 January 2015



1. Show parents school letter
2. Fill in Individual Student Details Report


1. Research coolies in SG


1. Do AB pg 15/16
2. Bring Math 6A TB and AB Part 1 & Part 2


1. Do goat zentangie
2. Bring 6B SS AB & TB
3. Write story about memories in Singapore at

Tuesday 6 January 2015

Classroom Roles and Responsibilities

Dear 6 Joy,

The classroom roles and responsibilities have just been updated. Please check if the roles are correct, that I have not left out any names and familiarise yourself with your role:)

Mrs Ong


  1. Bring a thermometer
  2. Bring Health Education book 
  3. Social studies activity and textbook 6A
  4. Complete math, fraction ws 1
Reminder: Assemble at the hall tomorrow at 7.20a.m.

Monday 5 January 2015

Homework for 05/01/15


  1. Chat Over Breakfast tomorrow
  2. Bring Little Red Dot tomorrow
  3. Bring Whiteboard and Marker tomorrow

Saturday 3 January 2015

School Hours

Dear 6 Joy,

The follow is the timing for your enrichment and supplementary classes. Do take note of them to plan your personal after-school activities wisely. Always remember to manage your time well.

2.15pm – 3.15pm
     P6 HMT
2.15pm – 3.00pm
     P6 MT remedial
3.00pm – 3.10pm
     Break for pupils staying for remedial classes until 4.00pm
3.10pm – 4.00pm
     P6 SC remedial
2.15pm – 3.00pm
     P6 MA remedial
2.15pm – 3.45pm (Timing TBC)
     P6 MA Olympiad
3.00pm – 3.10pm
     Break for pupils staying for remedial classes until 4.00pm
3.10pm – 4.00pm
     P6 MA remedial (cont’d)

Mrs Ong

Friday 2 January 2015

Homework for 02/01/15


  1. Hand in Pupil's Role Form on Monday, 5th January
  2. Show Chat-Over-Breakfast Letter to Parents
  3. Bring Thermometer on Monday, 5th January
  4. Show Form Teacher's Letter to Parents
  5. Complete Personal Profile Form
  6. Show MTP Letter to Parents

Thursday 1 January 2015

Welcome back!

Dear 6 Joy,

A very warm welcome back to school! A year has passed quickly and now, you have reached the most important year in your primary school journey. I have seen you grown and mature in the past year to become sensible, caring and responsible children. I will try my utmost best to bring out the best potential in you. In your capacity as a student, you possess the power and ability to change and shape your future. This idiom 'You reap what you sow' really resonates with me. If you sow, so shall you reap. Your effort determines your results, your achievement and your future. So, mould your bright future in the right way with your own hands. I look forward to a year of laughter and hopefully no tears with 6 Joy. Remember to be kind to your peers, teachers, parents and everyone around you because everyone you meet could be fighting a hard battle which you know nothing about:)

Rules of Class Blog to take note

Before I end off, let me just recapitulate the rules of this class blog. 

1. This is a private class blog, hence please refrain from giving the blog address to external parties (friends from other class or schools, etc) as there had been previous cases of mischief.

2. Parents and pupils can leave comments after blog posts or on the message board to ask questions. Pupils can also use it to share ideas/educational links with friends simply by clicking on the link "comments" or leaving a message on the message board . Do not abuse the comments function or the message board for your own chatting purposes. (e.g. I have taken dinner, how about you?) Pupils who violate the rules will be banned.

3. Pupils of 6 Joy, this blog is mainly to help you in your learning and NOT for entertainment purposes. Homework, announcements and other important messages would be updated here, but for a more timely follow-up, you ought to write them down in your Pupil's diary. You are reminded to exercise discipline.

4. If you do not have internet access or permission to go online, not to worry, everything posted in the blog will be mentioned in class too. For those who have free access to internet, don't spend too much time online. A visit of 5 minutes a day to the class blog is good enough to keep yourself updated.

5. Please come to me personally if you have any work related or personal problems. Remember that I am your teacher and also your mentor.

Have fun exploring all that you can learn!

See you tomorrow!

Mrs Ong