Friday 9 May 2014

Answer key to practice paper & Important Updates (5 Joy and 5 Hope to read)

Dear children,

Please find the answer key to the questions I have highlighted in class today. I will explain them to you in detail after the paper. Please try to make sense of the answer key on your own. Yi Zhong, I have photocopied your answer on the number pattern to share with the class as it was well presented:) I have written some notes to help you in your understanding. Leave a message in the chat box if any.

Here are some important things to note on Monday.

Your recess will be from 9.30 am to 10 am. 

Paper 1 is 50 min and will start at 8.00 am. The total marks for Paper 1 Booklets A and B is 40 marks. Use of calculator is NOT allowed.

Paper 2 is 1 h and 40 min. It will start at 10.15 am. The total marks for Paper 2 is 60 marks. Please pace yourself well and manage your time. Use of calculator is allowed. For word problems, please draw lines to separate your page into two as always. This will give you extra space to work out if you get your first few answers wrong. Do not waste time to erase your answers with correction tape. Just leave your answers there even though they might be wrong as method marks will be awarded. DRAW MODELS where necessary. It is the most effective way.

If you are stuck at a problem, circle and move on first. Come back later. Do not waste too much time trying to reach the answer when you could have made up for the marks doing 3 to 4 other questions which YOU CAN DO.

Bring your calculator and geometry set!

Please remind all your friends to read this page. This is what all of you have been working so hard for. I am so proud of you :') All the best, you can do it! I will be rooting for you!

Miss Lee

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