Thursday 29 May 2014

Homework and Admin Matter for 29/5/14


  1. Do Journal-Write About a Memorable Experience during the June Holidays
  2. Complete Creative Writing Exercise

  1. Complete Water Cycles Topical Test
  2. Complete Cells Topical Test
  3. Finish Water Cycle Problem Based Learning

  1. Do Maths Activity Book page 65 to 70
  2. Complete Mathematics Worksheet 1(Volume)

  1. Do Kindness Postcards and Bookmark
Admin Matter

  1. Show Social Studies Learning Journey Letter to Parents 

Remember to Bring along your Handbook tomorrow for the Teacher-Parent-Pupil Conference!!!

*Note to the pupils involved in the Science Olympiad Training, Please remember to attend the two sessions on the 23rd and 25th of June. Report at the Security Guard Post.

Tuesday 27 May 2014

Maths Isometric Drawing

The web link below is the link to the application that Ms Lee told us about during Maths lesson. Click on the web link to go to the webpage. Have fun!

Yi Zhong

Yi Zhong, thanks for the update:) Appreciate your help.

5 Joy and 5 Hope pupils,

Do try to create 4 different solids/cuboids of 5 cubic units! Enjoy learning!:)

Miss Lee

Homework and Admin Matter for 27/5/14


  1. Do English Learning Sheet page 8,9 and corrections

  1. Bring long ruler and box(tissue box, cornflakes box e.g.)
  2. Do Maths Activity Book page 55 to 58
Admin Matter

  1. Show Circular to parents

Friday 23 May 2014

Homework and Admin Matter for 23/5/14


  1. Complete English E-Learning Assignment on by Sunday, 25th May

  1. Bring Maths Activity Book 5B Part l and 2
  2. Do Area of Triangle Worksheet
Admin Matter

  1. Parents to complete and Meet-the-Parents Pre-Conference Form
  2. Sign Meet-the-Parents Form

Thursday 22 May 2014

Homework for 22/5/14

  1. Do p3 of Stellar LS unit7
  1. p113-120 MA CB
  2. Sign Math a Competition a Reply Slip
  3. Sign math file
  4. Bring Math CB and AB part 1&2 5B
  5.  Sign SA1 MA Paper 

Tuesday 20 May 2014

Admin Matter and Homework for 20/5/14


  1. Bring Both Science Workbooks
  2. TPP form (for those who have not)
  1. MA corrections if have

Monday 19 May 2014

Homework and Admin Matter for 19/5/14


  1. Complete Reflection Sheet by tomorrow

  1. Sign and File Science File ( for those who have not done so )
Admin Matter

  1. Show Family Day Letter to Parents
  2. Teacher Parent Pupil Conference Form Reply Slip

Friday 16 May 2014

Homework and Admin Matter for 16/5/14


  1. Do STELLAR LS page 14-19, 21-29
  2. Sign Spelling
Admin Matter

  1. Show Games Carnival Letter to Parents

Wednesday 14 May 2014

Admin Matter for 14/5/14


  1. Do filing for Science this weekend (parents to sign + checklist)
  2. Bring black and red file
  3. Travel declaration (for those who have not signed)
  4. Bring MA file (Ms Lee's Class)
  5. Sign Black File x2 contents page (file in LC and Unit 6 learning sheet) by Friday

Friday 9 May 2014

Answer key to practice paper & Important Updates (5 Joy and 5 Hope to read)

Dear children,

Please find the answer key to the questions I have highlighted in class today. I will explain them to you in detail after the paper. Please try to make sense of the answer key on your own. Yi Zhong, I have photocopied your answer on the number pattern to share with the class as it was well presented:) I have written some notes to help you in your understanding. Leave a message in the chat box if any.

Here are some important things to note on Monday.

Your recess will be from 9.30 am to 10 am. 

Paper 1 is 50 min and will start at 8.00 am. The total marks for Paper 1 Booklets A and B is 40 marks. Use of calculator is NOT allowed.

Paper 2 is 1 h and 40 min. It will start at 10.15 am. The total marks for Paper 2 is 60 marks. Please pace yourself well and manage your time. Use of calculator is allowed. For word problems, please draw lines to separate your page into two as always. This will give you extra space to work out if you get your first few answers wrong. Do not waste time to erase your answers with correction tape. Just leave your answers there even though they might be wrong as method marks will be awarded. DRAW MODELS where necessary. It is the most effective way.

If you are stuck at a problem, circle and move on first. Come back later. Do not waste too much time trying to reach the answer when you could have made up for the marks doing 3 to 4 other questions which YOU CAN DO.

Bring your calculator and geometry set!

Please remind all your friends to read this page. This is what all of you have been working so hard for. I am so proud of you :') All the best, you can do it! I will be rooting for you!

Miss Lee

Homework and Admin Matter for 9/5/14


  1. Do ALL Maths Re-Corrections
  2. File all Maths Worksheets
  3. Bring Calculator and Geometry Set

  1. Bring Practice Paper on Wednesday ( 2012 )

  1. Sign and do CCE Checklist (For Parents)

All the Best for Your Examinations!

Thursday 8 May 2014

Homework and Admin Matter for 8/5/14


  1. File in Unit 6 LS in Red File (do corrections and Sign)
  2. Sign both English Files
  3. Do corrections for green booklet (comprehension booklet)


  1. File in Science Booklet A (SA1 2013 Practice Paper)
  2. Sign Booklet B (2012 SA1 Practice Paper

Answer Key to Revision Worksheet

Dear children,

Please find below the answers to the revision worksheet. Please check and re-check your paper tomorrow. Highlight all the key words in the questions. Draw arrows pointing to the clues and use the PTPT for reported speech. Avoid careless mistakes where you will lose unnecessary marks. The rule card is not allowed in the during the exam. If you have any questions, do raise your queries in the chat box and please help one another out.

All the best! Believe you can do it and you will soar:) I'll keep you in my thoughts!

Much love,
Miss Lee

Wednesday 7 May 2014

Homework for 7/5/14


  1. Complete Revision Worksheet - Do Page 339/340 on foolscap

  1. Semester Review corrections

  1. Sign Booklet B
  2. Cells Worksheet corrections

Tuesday 6 May 2014

Homework and admin Matters for 6/5/14

  1. Spelling on Thursday
  2. Do p6/7 (PTPT)
  3. Sign EL PP (check dictionary) (Admin)
  1. Do MA WS corrections

Monday 5 May 2014

Homework for 5/5/14


  1. Rule chart

  1. Re-corrections
  2. Bring Maths File tomorrow
  3. Sign Maths Paper 2

Saturday 3 May 2014

English Paper 1 (Monday, 5th May)

Dear children,

All the best for your Paper 1 on Monday!

Remember that paragraphing is of utmost important and if you have chosen to write narratives, remember to STRETCH YOUR PROBLEM. Use F.A.T A.R.M to help you. Describe everything in detail with your five senses, do not just focus on what you see. What you feel and hear is extremely important too. NO contractions allowed unless in direct speech. Do not forget.

For Situational Writing,

Remember to use the PRAFT strategy and sign off with complimentary closing. End off your situational writing with a proper conclusion. DO NOT re-order the points in case you miss them out. Tick off once you have written them. NO contractions allowed unless in direct speech. Do not forget.

Good luck! Have faith and believe that you can achieve great things:) I believe in you and this is the time to put all that you have learnt to the test. Remind your friends to check the blog too for the reminders when you see them:)

Miss Lee

Friday 2 May 2014

Homework and Admin Matters for 2/5/14


  1. EL compre booklet p25/26


  1. Do fractions WS
  2. Sign MA PP1


  1. Sign Black EL File