Friday 28 February 2014

Homework 28/2/14

Homework and Administration for 28/2/14

  1. Bring Spelling List
  2. Show school letter and sign edusave 
  3. Sign EL Contents page x3
  4. Sign and Do Spelling Corrections
  5. Research on MRT System
Miss Lee's Math Class Homework
  1. Do AB p79-84
  2. Do MA WS Corrections page 1 only

Thursday 27 February 2014

Homework 27/2/14

Homework and Administration for 27/2/14

  1. Sign Stellar LS and Corrections
  2. SW Draft 2
  3. Do Comprehension pg 6 to 9
Miss Lee's Math Class Homework
  1. Do Math AB pg 69 to 72 Corrections
  2. Do Math AS2
  3. Do Math AB Pg 73-78

Wednesday 26 February 2014

Homework 26/2/14

Homework and Administration for 26/2/14
  1. Science learning sheet pg 11-17 (to be handed up on Friday) 
  2. Do basic photography writing (how to take good photographs of the primary 5 campfire night.
  3. Bring stacks of newspapers, scissors and masking tape next Wednesday for art 
  4. Bring SS pledge card (those who have not submitted)
Miss Lee's Math. Class Homework
  1. Do Fraction WS1
  2. Do MA AB pg 67/68 corrections
  3. Do Math AS1 p1-2

Tuesday 25 February 2014

World's Climatic Zone

Dear children,

Click here and here to learn more about the world's three climatic zones! Do explore the sites further on your own!

Miss Lee

Homework 25/2/14

Homework and Administration for 25/2/14
  1. Bring Camera 
  2. bring instructional Manual
  3. Do Stellar Unit 4 pg 12-16
  4. Spelling tomorrow
  5. Parents to pledge for TD
  6. Bring newspaper tomorrow (for art lesson)
  7. Do SS pg 4/5
Miss Lee's Math Class Homework
  1. Do Math AB corrections pg 63-66
  2. Do Math CB pg 55*
  3. Do AS4
  4. Do math AB pg 69-72*
**Those who missed the Math supplementary class earlier, please refer to the Math Coursebook before you start on the AB. Otherwise, you might have problems solving them. Try out Math CB p 57 to 59 first before doing your AB. 

Miss Lee

Monday 24 February 2014

Homework for 24/2/14

Homework and Administration for 24/2/14

  1. Do stellar LS corrections
  2. Do SW
Miss Lee's Math Class Homework
  1. Do p2 of WS7
  2. Do Math AB pg 67/68
  3. Do Math AS3
  4. Do Math AB pg 51-56 & 41-50 recorrections

Sunday 23 February 2014

Learn more about photography!

Dear children,

Before we embark on our writing next week for the unit on Basic Photography, here are some links for you to read up to learn more about the functions and the ins and outs of a camera.

Click here and here to learn more about camera exposure.

Click here to learn about the purpose of using the flash.

Click here to learn about the panorama mode.

Click here to learn about the sports mode.

Enjoy and do come to class to share your rich learning during group work!

Miss Lee

Friday 21 February 2014

Homework 21/2/14

Homework and Administration of 21/2/14
  1. Journal - P5 camp
Miss Lee's Math Class Homework

  1. Do MA AB pg 63-66
  2. Do MA WS 7
  3. Sign Speed and Accuracy quiz (for those who haven't)

Thursday 20 February 2014

Homework 20/2/14

Homework and Administration for 20/2/14
  1. Do SW Draft 2 (by tomorrow)
  2. Bring Dictionary (to put in locker)
  3. Bring Unit 2 Late but not Last Spelling List if you have forgotten.
Miss Lee's Math Class Homework
  1. Sign Speed and Accuracy Quiz
  2. Worksheet 2,3 and 6 'c'
  3. Do Math AB pg 51-62 'c'
Don't forget to sign your handbook :)
Get enough rest and drink a lot of water! :)

Tuesday 18 February 2014

Missing 5 Joy!

Dear children,

When you see this post, all of you should have been back from the camp, safe and sound. I hope you managed to stay hydrated throughout the three days, ate healthily and got enough rest amidst all the activities planned for you. The camp must have been fun!

I was unable to join all of you on the camp as over the weekend, I was diagnosed with Acute Bronchitis. Hence, it was crucial for me to get sufficient rest over the three days to shop the wheezing and coughing. I am writing this with a tinge of sadness as I would very much like to join all of you at the camp :'( I will get the teachers to share the pictures they have taken of you with me and do share your experience at the camp with me. I look forward to hearing about them!:)

For English on Thursday, please bring along a pocket dictionary. You can keep the dictionary in your locker so you do not have to bring it to and fro school every day. 

See you soon!
Miss Lee

Saturday 15 February 2014

How to make Papier Mache

Hi children,

This art and craft item was featured in one of the texts that we read yesterday on Imperatives. Click here to see how to create Papier Mache and find out more about what it is. I find it very interesting!:)

Miss Lee

Friday 14 February 2014

Homework for 14/2/14

Homework and Administration for 14/2/14
  1. Spelling corrections and sign
Miss Lee's Math Class Homework
  1. Do Math WS4 and 5

Thursday 13 February 2014

Homework 13/2/14

Homework and Admistration for 13/2/14
  1. Sign camp slip
  2. Do SW
  3. Bring a camera (for tomorrow)
Miss Lee's Math Class Homework
  1. MA WS 1 'c'
  2. Math AB pg 41-50 'c'

Wednesday 12 February 2014

Homework for 12/2/14

 Homework and Administration for 12/2/14
  1. Complete Draft 2  
  2. Newsletter
 Miss Lee's Math Class Homework
  1. Do Math AB pg 59-62 

Tuesday 11 February 2014

Homework for 11/2/14

Miss Lee's Math Class Homework

  1. Math AB pg 55-58
(P.S. Get well soon, Miss Lee!)

Away From School and Important Updates

Dear 5 Joy,

How was your day in school? Miss Lee is unable to join all of you today as you are aware, I am having a bad throat. The condition of my throat inflammation deteriorated and affected my vocal chords, resulting in a loss of voice. Miss Lee miss all of you very much:( I hope you were all well-behaved in class today and actively engaged with the work I have assigned you so learning is still taking place. I will be back in action on Thursday and I look forward to seeing all of you! ♥

Tomorrow's Assignment
For tomorrow, please bring along a mini dictionary for English as I will be returning you your composition and you will have to complete Draft 2 in the 4 periods using the phrases in the DIFAS template and Sports Day writing package given today. Please look through the phrases thoroughly and learn them by heart so you can apply them to your writing and even use them in daily life! You are NOT ALLOWED to complete it at home. Two hours is more than sufficient time. Please give it your best shot!

Important Updates on P5 Camp
Please read:
  • Those who have medical condition, please remember to bring along your medication and make sure you label your name on them.
  • For those who have asthma, an inhaler is a MUST or you will not be allowed to go on the camp
  • Everyone should also have at least one pair of track pants for high element activities. Bring extra if you can in case it gets dirtied or wet.
  • Bring along an extra pair of school/sport shoes if you have. You ARE ALLOWED to report to school in sports shoes on Monday.
  • For girls, you can report in your school P.E. shorts. For the full sets of uniform that you have to bring along for the camp, you can bring your P.E. shorts if you have enough if not the culottes will suffice. 
  • You are NOT allowed to bring along any valuables for the camp i.e. handphones and other gadgets. The teachers will be conducting a spot check before we leave the school premises. This is to ensure you do not lose any valuable items. Your parents can contact the teachers-in-charge if necessary. 
Please drop a note/comment to let me know if you managed to complete the class work assigned today! I also hope everyone was well-behaved. Were you?:) I will drop all of you a note again tomorrow. See you soon!

Miss Lee

Monday 10 February 2014

Homework for 10/2/14

Homework and  Administration for 10/2/14

  1. Do Stellar Unit 2 LS Corrections
  2. Parents to sign LS
Miss Lee's Math Class Homework
  1. Do Math AB pg 51-54
  2. Do Math CB pg 45
  3. Do Math Practice 1 & pg 21-34 'c'
  4. MA AB pg 35-40 'c'

Friday 7 February 2014

Teenager’s honesty is what sports can teach, says Heng

Dear children,

Click here to read an article on how Dunman High School (DHS) student Lee Tai Yu displayed honesty and integirty during a National Inter-School Badminton Championships match. His exemplary behaviour is commended by our Minister for Education Heng Swee Keat and he is indeed a role model for us to follow.

Here is my favourite excerpt from the article:
“Sports develop character and values, cultivate positive attitudes and strengthen people skills ... In my view, the most valuable trait that sports develop is grit. Grit is more than resilience. When a student has grit, he is passionate about a long term goal and perseveres towards it."

This article also ties in with our Stellar Unit Late but not Last. Let us be reminded of the commendable qualities these sportsmen displayed, be inspired by their resolve, and learn from them.

Miss Lee

Homework for 7/2/14

Homework and Administration 7/2/14

  1. Do journal (deadline on Monday)
  2. Research on Photography
  3. Prepare Number Cards 
  4. Science WS pg 8-10
  5. Sci WB pg 11
  6. Read Science WB activity 7&8
Miss Lee's Math Class Homework
  1. Do Math WS 3 and 6
  2. Do Math WB pg 45-50

A Summary of Active/Passive Verb Forms

Dear children,

As mentioned in class yesterday, do click here to get a summary of the passive and active verb forms!

Click here to give you a more in-depth explanation of the present perfect tense in the passive voice. They have given very relevant examples to help you understand the tense.

Miss Lee

Thursday 6 February 2014

Homework for 6/2/14

Homework and Administration for 6/2/14

  1. Do Journal (By Monday)
  2. Do spelling Re-corrections
  3. Do Stellar LS4 & 5
  4. Research on Photography
Miss Lee's Math Class Homework

  1. Do Math Activity Book Worksheet 31 - 34 corrections
  2. Do Math Practice 1 corrections
  3. Do Math Worksheet 1 corrections
  4. Do Math Activity Book pg 41-44

Wednesday 5 February 2014

Homework for 5/02/14

  1. Sign Growing Years Programme form
  2. Show camp packing list to parents 
  3. Do maths activity book pg 35-40 and maths worksheet 2
  4. Do Sports Day recount (FHF)

Tuesday 4 February 2014

Social Studies Videos!

Dear children,

You can view the videos I have shown in class here on the world's largest waterfalls:) Click on the bottom right button to enlarge the video and view them fullscreen! Enjoy!

Miss Lee

Homework for 4/2/14

Homework and Administration for 4/2/14
  1. Situational Writing Draft 2
  2. Stellar LS6 and corrections
  3. Spelling corrections and Sign
  4. Sign HA letter (for those who haven't)
 Miss Lee's Math Class Homework
  1. MA Activity Book page 29/30 corrections
  2. MA Activity Book page 31-34  

Monday 3 February 2014

Practise your Order of Operations

Dear children,

Practise using the order of operations to find the value of an expression involving the four operations and brackets by clicking here!

Try it and have fun!

Miss Lee

Moments captured on camera on the eve of Chinese New Year!

Dear children,

Here are some pictures kindly captured by Mdm Cham during the Chinese New Year celebrations. Enjoy viewing them!:)

Miss Lee