Friday 29 August 2014

Homework for 29/08/14


  1. Do Synthesis Set 2 pages 2 - 3, 11 and 12
  2. STELLAR Unit 11 LS pages 11, 18 - 20

  1. Dad's Amazing Consent Form(For those who did not sign)

**Do remember to bring your breakfast to school on Monday for Chat Over Breakfast!
(Tuna is Allowed)

Thursday 28 August 2014

Thank you!

Dear children,

Thank you for everything today! I appreciate what you have done as a class very much. Let us soar to greater heights together as a family, 5 Joy!:)

Mrs Ong

Homework for 28/08/14

  1. Individual Compo
  1. Revise Math Practice Paper 

Civilisation of Ancient Sumerians in Mesopotamia

Dear children,

Do watch this video to learn more about the Sumerians, an early ancient civilisation in Southern Mesopotamia, now part of modern-day Southern Iraq! Enjoy!

Mrs Ong

Wednesday 27 August 2014

Homework for 27/08/14


  1. Comprehension Worksheet 7
  2. Bring a Dictionary Tomorrow

  1. Percentage Activity Sheet 4 and 5 Re-Corrections

  1. Show Dad's Amazing Letter to Parents

Tuesday 26 August 2014

Homework for 26/08/14

  1. Complete class writing
  2. Worksheet 6 comprehension booklet
  3. Do pg 12-17 (unit 11 LS)
  1. Complete W/S 3

Monday 25 August 2014

Homework and Admin Matter for 25/08/14


  1. Do Draft 3 of SW (Selected pupils only)
  2. File in English Worksheets
  3. Do STELLAR Unit 10 Corrections and Parents to Sign
  4. Do Synthesis pages 16, 18 - 21

  1. Sort Blue File
  2. Do Decimals 2/3 Worksheet Corrections
  3. Do Percentage Activity Sheet 4/5 Corrections
  4. Do Maths Worksheet 3 page 1

  1. KWL on 'Air' and 'Plants and Air' (Bio Book)
  2. Science Activity Book page 12
Admin Matter
  1. Show Chat Over Breakfast Letter to Parents
  2. Show Early Dismissal Letter to Parents

Friday 22 August 2014

Homework for 22/08/14


  1. Synthesis pages 11, 12, 14, 15 and Corrections
  2. Do Class Writing on Fast Food by Sunday
  1. Bring Maths File on Monday
  2. Percentage Worksheet 2
  3. Maths Practice Paper 1 Paper 2
Admin Matter

  1. Travel Declaration

Thursday 21 August 2014

Percentage Games Website

Click here to go to the website.

Have fun playing!

Homework for 21/8/14

  1. LS 7 & do Corrections (Unit 10)
  2. Research on Fast Food
  3. Sign  spelling and do corrections
  4. Synthesis WS pg 11/12, 14/15 and do corrections (By Monday)
  1. AB pg 69-73

Wednesday 20 August 2014

Homework for 20/18/14

  1. SW Draft 2
  2. Pg 4 Synthesis and Transformation
  3. Cloze Passage 1 and 2
  1. Math Corrections (if you have)

Tuesday 19 August 2014

Homework for 19/08/14

  1. Learn Spelling
  2. Complete Unit 8 Group Writing Rubrics
  3. STELLAR LS Unit 10 Corrections and pages 5 and 10
  4. Do Synthesis Worksheet pages 2 and 3

  1. Do Percentage Worksheet

Monday 18 August 2014

Homework for 18/08/14


  1. Buy or bring Red File
  2. Bring Black File
  3. Do SW Draft 2
  4. Read Unit 10 Sustained Silent Reading

  1. Do Decimals Worksheet 2/2 Corrections
  2. Do Percentage Activity Sheet 4 and 5
  3. Do Maths Worksheet 2/3

*Remember to bring Materials for Burglar Alarm

Wednesday 13 August 2014

Homework for 13/08/14

  1. Show Home Based Learning to Parents
  2. VIA Reply Slip
  3. Do Draft 2 - Use Times New Roman or Arial, Font Size 12, 1.5" Spacing if Typing out
  4. Do SW
  5. Bring Empty English File by Monday
  1. Science 2011 CA2 Practice Paper
  2. Science PBL
  1. Do Maths Practice Paper 1
  2. Maths Activity Book pages 65 - 68

What I Want to Know

  • How do companies know when the preserved food expire?
  • Is preserved food healthy?
  • Why are there different ways to preserve food?
  • Will preserved food grow mould when they expire?
  •  Why do some preserved food spoil before the expiry date?

Tuesday 12 August 2014

Homework for 12/08/14

  1. Sign VIA reply slip ( to be handed in tomorrow )

  1. Do W/S 6 Comprehension Booklet (Ivy's Secret)
  2. Pg 3/4 , 6/7 EL LS Unit 10 ( Preserving Food)
  1. Sci 2011 CA2 PP Bklet A&B ( to be done by next week )
  2. Do PBL mindmap
  1. Dec W/S 2/2 corrections
  2. Dec W/S 2/3( pg 1 only)

Thursday 7 August 2014

Homework for 7/08/14

  1. Sign Amazing Friends LS and Do Corrections
  2. EL Learning Sheet pg 1/2
  3. Do SW

    1. Do MA Recorrections
    2. Get another blue file (Math)
    *All homework to be handed in by Tuesday.

    Happy Advanced National Day!

    Wednesday 6 August 2014

    Homework for 06/08/14

    1. Science LS pages 29 - 35
    1. Do Maths Activity Book pages 63 and 64

    Tuesday 5 August 2014

    Homewor and Admin Matter for 5/08/2014

    1. Sign Dictation and do Corrections (for those who have not done so)
    2. Composition Draft 2 of  Individual Explanation Text
    3. Bring preserved food tomorrow
    1. Science LS pg 17-27 and corrections
    2. Think of ways to conserve electricity at school and at home
    1. Sign Math Consent Form
    2. Math course book  p32 and 34* ( to do on foolscap )

    *edited and corrected

    Monday 4 August 2014

    Homework for 04/08/14


    1. Do Dictation Corrections and Parents to Sign
    2. Do STELLAR Unit 9 Corrections and pages 4 and 13

    1. Do Decimals Worksheet 2/1 Corrections
    2. Do Decimals Worksheet 2/2 ( No Calculator )

    Friday 1 August 2014

    Homework for 01/08/14


    1. Green Comprehension Booklet Worksheets 4 and 5

    1. Maths Activity Book pages 57 - 62

    1. Science Worksheet pages 11 - 16
    2. Science Workbook Activities 19 and 20
    Social Studies

    1. Social Studies Activity Book pages 1 - 3