Thursday 31 July 2014

Homework and Admin for 31/7/14

  1. Complete Green Compre Booklet pg 10-13 
  2. Do Unit 8 Stellar LS Recorrections
  1. Science Electrical Systems LS pg 11-16
  2. Complete Activity 19 & 20 of Science WB
  1. Do MA AB pg 37-40 and 47-50
  2. Do MA AB  corrections pg 33-36 and 41-46
  3. Sign Speed and Accuracy Quiz

Wednesday 30 July 2014

Medical Leave

Dear children,

Mrs Ong is down with a bad runny nose and fever. Please do follow the relief teachers' instructions and be on your best behaviour whilst I am away. Keep yourself meaningfully engaged and do the work to the best of your ability. I miss all of you very much and 5 Joy has been on my mind! I hope to see all of you soon:)

Mrs Ong

Homework for 30/7/14


  1. Do Amazing Friend Composition

  1. Sign Maths Supplementary Form
  2. Do Maths Activity Book pages 29 and 31 Corrections

  1. Parents to Sign on Two Science Worksheets and Letter to Parents
  2. Read Science Textbook pages 37 - 39

Tuesday 29 July 2014

Recount Writing

Dear 5 Joy,

Click here to read in detail what was covered in class today. It will help you to consolidate your learning before your individual writing:)

You can also click here and here to read about 'The Frozen Pool' and 'The Window Mishap' recount!

Do apply all the strategies you have learnt in class today into your individual writing tomorrow and in class every day!

Mrs Ong

Homework for 29/07/14


  1. Comment on peer's group writing (the group in front/behind you)
  2. Learn dictation

Monday 28 July 2014

Selamat Hari Raya!

Dear children and parents,

I would like to take this opportunity to wish all our Muslim pupils and parents Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri! May you bask in the celebrations and savour the goodness of the festival with happiness, warmth and joy together with your loved ones:)

To the rest, have a well-rested holiday and remember to bring something that is given to you by an amazing friend!

Mrs Ong

Saturday 26 July 2014

Homework for 25/07/14


  1. Do SW Draft 2
  2. Bring an Item Related to your Amazing Friend
  3. Group Writing Due on Tuesday
  1. Do Maths Activity Book pages 41 - 46
  2. Do Decimals Worksheet 1/1 Corrections

Thursday 24 July 2014

Homework and Admin Matter for 24/07/14


  1. Do Dictation Corrections, Parents to Sign
  2. Do LS 8 Corrections, Parents to Sign
  3. Do Synthesis Exercise pages 8 and 9
  4. Do pages 20, 21 of STELLAR LS
  5. Bring PTPT Card

  1. Maths Activity Book Corrections pages 15 - 26
  2. Maths Activity Book pages 33 - 36 ( Activity 2.5-Draw Models if necessary)
Admin Matter

  1. Show School Letter to Parents

Wednesday 23 July 2014

Homework for 23/07/14


  1. Individual Writing by tomorrow (your own Writing)
  2. Do Group Writing (Draft 2) on Google Documents by 29th July
    1.Log onto McOnline
    2.Click on Drive
    3.Click on Unit 8 Group Work Folder
    4.Click on Group Work

  1. Decimals Worksheet 2/1
  2. Complete Maths Trail
  1. Science Workbook pages 30 and 31
  2. Science LS pages 2 - 10

Examples of Explanation Text Type Titles

Dear children,

Here are some examples of explanation text type titles. Do pick one from here to work on your writing again. Remember there should be a process involved and a series of logical steps explaining why or how something occurs.

  • Why do some animals sleep through winter?
  • How does a computer work?
  • How are mountains formed?
  • How are volcanoes formed?
  • How are crystals formed?
  • How is honey made?
  • How does a submarine work?
  • Why do tsunamis occur?
  • Why do some things float while others sink?
  • Why do living things need food to survive?
  • Why does iron turn rusty when left in open air?
  • Why do we have earthquakes?
  • How does a telephone work?
Do clarify with your friends if you are still unsure. If you are typing it out, do ensure that it is font size 12 and 1.5" spacing to allow sufficient space for my comments and editing. 

 Mrs Ong


Dear children,

Click here for an interesting list of similes and their definitions! Do try to learn and use the common ones to spruce up your writing!

Mrs Ong

Tuesday 22 July 2014

Monday 21 July 2014

Homework and Admin Matter for 21/07/14


  1. English STELLAR LS page 15 and 16

  1. Do Science Workbook page 33

  1. Do Maths Worksheet 5 and 6 Corrections
  2. Decimals Worksheet 1/1
Admin Matter

  1. Show School Letter to Parents

Sunday 20 July 2014

Amazing Friends (Lioness and a Baboon's Baby)

Dear children,

As we are on the topic of Amazing Friends, click here to read about an amazing relationship shared between a lioness and a baboon's baby.

As for those who asked, lessons proceed as per normal tomorrow.

Mrs Ong

Friday 18 July 2014

Homework and Admin Matter for 18/07/14

  1. Do Journal
  2. Do SW
  3. Do English Ls pages, 5, 6, 14, 17, 18
  1. Maths Activity Book pages 1 - 14 Corrections (if any)
  2. Maths Activity Book pages 27 - 32
Admin Matter
  1. Sign Travel Declaration

Thursday 17 July 2014

Homework and Admin Matter for 17/7/14


  1. Research on amazing friendships between animals
  2. Do Stellar LS pg 22-26 (Amazing  Friends)
  3. Do dictation corrections and Parents to sign


  1. Math AB pg 21-26

Hi all, do remember to check out the Owen and Mzee website; hope you all have fun checking it out! :D


Wednesday 16 July 2014

Homework for 16/07/14


  1. Synthesis and Transformation Exercise pages 5 and 6

  1. Sign Maths Remedial Reply Slip
  2. Maths Activity Book Re-Corrections pages 1 - 4
  3. Maths Activity Book corrections pages 5 - 14
  4. Maths Activity Book pages 15 - 20

Tuesday 15 July 2014

Homework for 15/07/14


  1. Sign and Do Spelling Corrections
  2. Do STELLAR Unit 8 corrections
  3. Do page 2 and 3 of Synthesis Exercise 

Monday 14 July 2014

Homework for 14/7/14


  1. Do Semestral review 1 and 2 corrections
  2. Do Volume W/S 3 corrections
  3. Do Volume W/S 6

Friday 11 July 2014

Homework and Admin Matter for 11/07/14


  1. Explanation Text Individual Writing ( 150 words ) on foolscap
  2. Edit class writing and write Group colour beside Heading

  1. Maths Activity Book page 9 - 14
  2. Maths Activity Book page 1 - 3 corrections
  3. Maths Activity Book redo page 4
Admin Matter

  1. Sign Assessment Letter
  2. Show Racial Harmony Day Letter to parents

Thursday 10 July 2014

Homework for 10/07/14


  1. Absentees do STELLAR LS page 2, 9, 10
  2. English Individual Writing

  1. Do Maths Re-Corrections
  2. Maths Activity Book pages 5 - 8

Wednesday 9 July 2014

Homework and Admin for 9/7/14

Admin Matter
  1. Parents to sign NE show consent form reply slip
  1. Research for class writing
  2. Do pg 2, 9 and 10 of Stellar LS
  3. Dictation on 16 July (next Wednesday)
  4. Spelling tomorrow
  1. Read Science textbook pg 29-33
  1. Do Math recorrections 
  2. Math WB pg 1-4

Tuesday 8 July 2014

Homework and Admin Matter for 08/07/14


  1. Spelling on 9th July
  2. Do STELLAR LS pages 4, 7, 8
  3. Do Comprehension pages 1 to 9

  1. Do Maths Activity Book pages 65 - 70, 81 - 86 corrections
  2. Maths Worksheet 2 corrections
Admin Matter

  1. Sign Maths Olympiad slip

Thursday 3 July 2014

Homework for 03/07/14


  1. Complete STELLAR Re-Corrections and Get Parents to Sign
  2. Complete English LS Pages 3 and 5

  1. Finish Volume Worksheet 5
  2. Do Semestral Review(Volume)
  1. Bring Systems Textbook and Biology Book
  2. Answer Question: Why can't we collect 100 ml of clean water
Science PBL Result: 
Group 1, 0 ml
Group 2, 0 ml
Group 3, 0.3 ml
Group 4, 0 ml
Group 5, 1.2 ml
Group 6, 0.5 ml
Group 7, 0.1 ml
Group 8, 0 ml
Group 9, 0.6 ml

Wednesday 2 July 2014

Homework for 02/07/14


  1. Do STELLAR LS 8.7, 8.11
  2. Write at least 5 power words at the back of the LS

  1. Sign Maths Olympiad Cancellation Form
  2. Maths Activity Book page 81-86
  3. Maths Volume Worksheet 4
  4. Bring Maths Textbook 5B

Tuesday 1 July 2014

Homework and Admin 1/7/14

  1. Do Stellar LS pg 13-19 (LS 8.8 - 8.10)
  2. Research on KWL Unanswered What I want to Know questions*
  1. Do Volume W/S1 corrections
  2. Do Volume W/S 4
  3. Complete Review 2 Volume Questions
  4. Sign Math Olympiad cancellation form
  1. Bring ODT
*Don't only research your group's questions, try and answer other groups'!

Mr Bean video

Dear friends, please click the below link to go to the video that Mrs Ong showed us this morning.

Here is the link:

I hope you will enjoy watching the video.

Yi Zhong

Stellar Unit 8: What Happens When You Laugh

Dear 5 Joy,

Do research on these remaining unanswered questions and discuss them in the chat box. Do share the links with your classmates so we can all learn more! I hope you enjoyed the KWL lesson today. Have fun!:)

Mrs Ong