Monday 31 March 2014

Homework 31/3/14

Homework and Admin Matter for 31/3/14
  1. Do SW Draft 2
  2. Do Stellar LS 8 and corrections
Miss Lee's Math Class Homework
  1. Do Math AB pg 3 to 6 corrections
  2. Math worksheet 1 corrections
  3. Do Math Activity Sheet 3

Sunday 30 March 2014

Homework 28/3/14

Homework and Administration for 28/3/14
  1. Sign P1 Registration form
  2. Do Journal
  3. Do EL Compre pg 10-13
  4. Complete PS template
Miss Lee's Math Class Homework
  1. Do AS1 'c'
  2. Do math AB pg 7-10
  3. MA AB pg 79-102 'c'
  4. MA WS 5-8 'c'

Friday 28 March 2014

Passive and Active Voice

Dear children,

As mentioned in class, do click here for the link to the passive and active voice. It provides a very clear overview of all the different types of tenses that can be used in the passive and active voice. Please do exercise the initiative to read up on it to learn more.

Miss Lee

Thursday 27 March 2014

Homework 27/3/14

Homework and Admin for 27/3/14

  1. Sign Science LJ consent form
  2. Do Ride On LS re corrections
  3. Do SW
  4. Space Junk LS7 pg 14-16
  5. Sign Registration Form

Miss Lee's Math Class

  1. Math WS1
  2. Do Math AB pg 3-6

Wednesday 26 March 2014

Space junk: What is it and why should we care?

Dear children,

Have fun viewing it again to understand these videos better!:)

Miss Lee

Homework 26/3/14


  1. Do science learning sheet pg 18-22
  2. Write down the main ideas for each paragraph
  3. Do learning sheet 3 (highlight and draw arrows)
Miss Lee's Math Class
  1. Math AB pg 1/2
  2. Math Recorrections pg 79-102
  3. Math WS 5-8 recorrections
  4. Do Math AS1
  5. Bring set square

Space Junk!

Dear children,

Please click on these informative links to read more about space junk!
(The above link shows how spacecrafts are manoeuvred to avoid orbital debris and how debris is tracked)
(This link focuses on the elimination of debris)
Click the link above to view photos that were shown in class yesterday on space debris!)

Miss Lee

Tuesday 25 March 2014

Homework 25/3/14

Homework and Admin 25/3/14

  1. Sign Ride On LS
  2. Ride On LS corrections
  3. Do Space Junk LS 1 and 2 (dictionary should be used)

Monday 24 March 2014

Homework 23/3/14

Homework and Admin for 24/3/14
Miss Lee's Math Class Homework

  1. Bring MA AB 5A Part 2
  2. Bring scissors and red pen
  3. Do MA Ab pg 85/86 corrections
  4. Do MA AB pg 79/102 corrections

Friday 14 March 2014

Homework 14/3/14

Homework for 14/3/14

  1. Creative Writing Ex 1 
  2. Science Practice Paper Hw 
  3. Complete unit summary (in science textbook)
Miss Lee's Math Class Homework
  1. Do Ma PP (Paper 1 & 2 [3 booklets])
  2. WS 5-8 corrections                                                          
Stay Healthy and drink lots of water, take care of yourself and remember to have a good rest during the holidays. :)

Sorry for not updating daily, you should thank Anisah for updating. -Naili
(Apology Accepted - Anisah)

Thursday 13 March 2014

Homework 13/3/14

Homework and admin for 13/3/14
  1. Complete SS pg 6-9
  2. Sign EL mini test
  3. Sci Ws due tomorrow
Miss Lee's Math Class
  1. Sign Ma Mini Test 1 + MA File and bring MA AB 5A part 2(for those who have not)
  2. MA AB pg 85/86
  3. MA CB Pg 68/69

Wednesday 12 March 2014

Homework 12/3/14

Homework and Admin for 12/3/14
  1. Sci WS (due on fri)
  2. Bring SS TB and WB
  3. Sign EL  Mini Test 1
Miss Lee's Math class Homework
  1. Bring MA Coursebook
  2.  Bring MA AB 5A part2
  3. Sign MA File 
  4. Sign MA Mini test 

Breaking News

Dear children,

Do click on these herehere and here to read up on news related to the missing airplane. When you reach the websites, do click and explore other relevant links that are there before you do your reflection tomorrow.

I look forward to reading your deep insights and thoughts:)

Miss Lee

Tuesday 11 March 2014

Homework 11/3/14

Homework and Admin 11/3/14
  1. Class Phototaking tomorrow
  2. Sci WB Activity 4&5
  3. EL WS p2
Miss Lee's Math Class Homework
  1. Sign Math file contents page
  2. MA WS 2-4 corrections
  3. Check that AB pg 79-102 79 - 94 corrections are done

Monday 10 March 2014

Homework. 10/3/14

Homework and Admin for 10/3/14
  1. Customise Avatar (
  2. My avatar (FTGP Journal)
  3. Bring necessary files (for those who haven't bring)
Miss Lee's Math Class Homework
  1. Do Fraction WS 7&8

Creation of Avatar

Dear children,

As mentioned during FTGP today, click here to access! Enjoy creating a representation of yourself but remember not to get too carried away:)

Miss Lee

Saturday 8 March 2014


Homework and Administration for 7/3/14
  1. Bring Black and Red File on Mon (make sure it's signed)
  2. Parents to sign Science Checkpoint (punch hole and to bring on Mon)
  3. Do P5 of stellar LS

Reminder and Brain Teaser

Dear 5 Joy,

Pupils from my Math class, please remember to bring your Math files on Monday. 

We will go through the Contents Page on Monday as I ran out of time on Friday. Please call up your friends from 5 Hope to remind them:)

In the meantime, here is a Brain Teaser for you to try. Pupils from Ms Dionne's Math class can try as well. Have fun!:)

Displaying photo.JPG

Miss Lee

Thursday 6 March 2014

Homework 6/3/14

Homework and Administration for 6/3/14

  1. Bring Files for tomorrow
Miss Lee's Math Class Homework
  1. AS6&7 corrections
  2. MA AB PG 79-102 'c'
  3. MA WS 5&6

Wednesday 5 March 2014

Homework 5/3/14

Homework and Administration for 5/3/14

  1. Do pg6 of Stellar LS
Miss Lee's Math Class Homework
  1. Sign Sup Class Consent form
  2. Bring blue file tomorrow
  3. Do am WS 2,3,4 (draw model

Tuesday 4 March 2014

Homework 4/3/14

Homework and Administration 4/3/14
  1. Check meaning of phrasal verbs
  2. Do Draft 2 (Basic Photography)
Miss Lee's Math Class Homework
  1. Do Math AB pg 95-102
  2. Do AS6&75

Monday 3 March 2014

Homework 3/3/14

Homework and Administration for 3/3/14

  1. Bring Cash payment
  2. Research on KWL questions
  3. Bring systems textbook
  4. File EL ws into EL file
Miss Lee's Math Class Homework
  1. Do Math WS 1 corrections
  2. Ma AS1-4 corrections
  3. Do MA pg 73-78 corrections
  4. Do AS5
  5. Do MA AB pg 87-94

Saturday 1 March 2014

Ride on (MRT)

What I Want To Know 

  • Are there any drivers?
  • How many drivers are there?
  • What they used to make the train work?
  • Why does the MRT breakdown?
  • Largest possible number of passengers?
  • Why sometimes it goes underground and other times above ground?
  • How many carriages are there?
  • How many seats?
  • Does it contribute to air pollution? 
  • Do people appreciate that the MRT is very convenient or complain about the breakdown?
  • How does the MRT look like in the past?
  • How many wheels are there?
  • Can it be more than 6 carriages?
  • Length of MRT?