Wednesday 29 January 2014

Quote of the Day and Happy Chinese New Year!

Dear children,

This is the quote that Miss Lee shared with all of you in class today. I hope you will start making use of the 86 400 seconds given to you every start of the day, because once it is lost, you can never turn back time and there is no drawing against 'tomorrow'. Time cannot be borrowed. Make the most of today before the time comes when you wish you have more than 24 hours a day. I have made the most out of my day, have you?

On a side note, Happy New Year to all children and parents celebrating Chinese New Year and Happy Long Weekend to non-Chinese children and parents!:) Have a blessed 2014 and may the new year bring all of you happiness, prosperity and good health:)

Miss Lee


Homework and Administration for 29/1/14
  1. Sign HA letter
  2. Bring pencil case, handbook, stapler, late work (if you have not handed it up)
  3. Do journal, Topic : My CNY experience
  4. Science Mindmap on Bio Book (Unit 1)
Miss Lee's Math Class Homework
  1. MA WS 1 (Remember to draw the TIMELINE if the question involves time)
  2. MA AB pg 27/28 corrections
(P.S. sorry I did not update the Math class homework yesterday, I am sick right now. Thanks for understanding ^^ Happy CNY! - Anisah)

Tuesday 28 January 2014


Homework and Administration for 28/1/14

  1. Science Mindmap on Bio Book (Unit 1)

Monday 27 January 2014


Homework and Administration for 27/1/14

  1. Composition Draft 2
  2. Do Unit 2 LS 3 and 7
Miss Lee's Math Class Homework

  1. Do MA WS Re-corrections
  2. Do MA AS 2 Corrections
  3. Do MA AB page 25/26 corrections
  4. Do MA AB pg 29/30

Saturday 25 January 2014


Homework and Administration for 24/1/14

  1. Sign Stellar Unit 1
  2. Journal
  3. Science Dictation on Monday (page 14)
  4. Sci WS pg 5-7
Miss Lee's Math Class Homework

  1. MA CB pg 23/24
  2. MA AB pg 27/28 & 35/36

Friday 24 January 2014

An Eye for Idioms!

Dear children,

Here are some pictures from the slides that Miss Lee showed you yesterday. Do find out more online about Idioms!

Do research on those that you have never heard or seen of!

Miss Lee

Thursday 23 January 2014


Homework and Administration for 23/1/14

  1. Bring HITD spelling list (For those who haven't pass up)
  2. Sign and do Spelling Corrections
  3. Do Stellar LS1 and LS2
Miss Lee's Math Class Homework

  1. Do Math Coursebook pg 22
  2. Do math 19-24 re corrections
  3. Do Math AB pg 25/26

Wednesday 22 January 2014


Homework and Administration for 22/1/14
  1. Bring rag, clothes peg in ziplock bag. ( For cleaning your tables)
  2. Science Dictated on next Monday (Page 14 of textbook)
  3. Do Composition and writing frame (for those who have not done it yet) 
  4. Bring HITD Stellar Reader ( for those who have not passed it up)
Miss Lee's Math Class Homework
  1. Do Math re-corrections page 1-16
  2. Do Math Re-corrections page 17/18
  3. Do Math Worksheet corrections 
  4. Do Math Course Book page 23 Q1&2 

Tuesday 21 January 2014


Homework and Administration of 21/1/14

  1. Individual Compo on Fearful Experience
  2. Complete Writing Frame
  3. Show CNY letter to parents
Miss Lee's Math Class Homework

  1. MA AB pg 19 - 24 Corrections
  2. Try Math Problem in ex book

Monday 20 January 2014


Homework and Administration for 20/1/14
  1. Do Situational Writing draft 2
  2. MA AB pg 17/18 corrections (Miss Lee's Math Class
  3. Don't forget to sign your notebook :) 

Sunday 19 January 2014

Giant Squid - Real or Fake?

160-Foot Giant Squid Hoax: How Big Do They Really Get?

The largest giant squid recorded by scientists measured 43 feet (12 meters) long, according to Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History.

Faked photo of  a giant squid found in California.
Faked photo of a giant squid supposedly found In California.
Jane J. Lee
An image of a monster 160-foot-long (49-meter-long)giant squid made the social media rounds yesterday, but fear not—it's a hoax.
The photo of the enormous deep-sea denizen after it washed on to a beach in Santa Monica, California, accompanied a satirical article on the website The Lightly Braised Turnip this week.

À la Godzilla, the article claims the squid was a victim of radiation—supposedly from the Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan. (See"True Facts About Ocean Radiation and the Fukushima Disaster.")
People began to share the photo of the supposed cephalopod on Facebook and Twitter, and thus the fake giant came to life.
Staff at the rumor-research website did a drive-by of the beach in Santa Monica and reported no signs of the giant squid. "Nor did any of the many local news outlets cover any such topic," they write.
David Emery writes on that the giant squid in the photograph is actually a 30-foot-long (9-meter-long) giant squid that washed ashore in Spain in October 2013.
The fake photo combined a blown-up image of that squid and a picture of people standing on a beach.
"From a pure photographic standpoint, what stands out to me as a red flag is the squid's shadow on the left—actually all of its shadows," said Sherry Brukbacher, news photo editor at National Geographic. "This makes me question the image immediately."
"It's more likely the animal's body would be flush with the ground and not sticking up like that, unless it was hardened and stiff," she said. "Also, all the edges of the squid are uniformly smooth—unnaturally so."
Giant squid are large enough to battle sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus)—sometimes the squid win, and sometimes they end up in the belly of a beast. (See "Rare Photos: Giant Squid Eaten by Sperm Whale.")
But the largest giant squid ever recorded by scientists measured nearly 43 feet (12 meters) long, according to the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History website.
That's nowhere close to the supposed 160-foot (49-meter) length of the giant squid that's taken over the Internet.
An interesting article for you to check out!
Miss Lee
Article credits to

Saturday 18 January 2014


Homework and Administration for 17/1/14

  1. Sign Travel Declaration
  2. Sign Spelling and do Spelling Corrections
  3. Pick out phrases (fear) from storybook and fill in DIFAS template
  4. Journal- My Ambition
  5. Do Stellar LS Corrections
  6. Science WS pg 2-4
  7. Math Activity Book pg 7-16 Corrections (Miss Lee's Math Class)
  8. Do Math WS 2 (Miss Lee's Math Class)
  9. Do Math Remedial WS 1 (Miss Lee's Math Class)
  10. Do Math Activity Book pg 19-24 (Miss Lee's Math Class)
  11. Do Math Activity Book pg 17-20 (Miss Dionne's Math Class)

Thursday 16 January 2014


Homework and Administration of 16/1/14

  1. Science Workbook Page 2 (Fri)
  2. Bring storybooks (fear, horror) tomorrow
  3. Pick out power phrases from storybooks and fill out DIFAS template
  4. MA Activity Book page 17 and 18 (Miss Lee's Math Class)
  5. MA Worksheet 1 'C' (Miss Lee's Math Class)
  6. MA Coursebook page 19 Question 1a-1h (Miss Lee's Math Class)
  7. MA Activity Book page 15-16 (Miss Dionne's Math Class)
  8. MA WS 2 (Miss Dionne's Math Class)

Wednesday 15 January 2014


Homework and Administration 15/1/14
  1. Science AB pg 2
  2. Do Stellar LS pg 7&8
  3. Do Situational Writing
  4. Do MA AB pg 11-14  (Miss Dionne's class)
  5. Math Coursebook page 17 (Miss Lee's Math Class)
  6. Math Activity Book page 13-16 (Miss Lee's Math Class)
  7. Don't forget to sign your notebook :)
        Things to bring for art next week:
  1. Oil Pastel
  2. Newspaper
  3. Old T-shirt (optional)
  4. Drawing block 

Tuesday 14 January 2014


Homework and Administration of 14/1/14
  1. Sign Math Olympiad reply slip
  2. Do Stellar LS 4 and 5
  3. Do Math AB page 7-10 Corrections (Miss Lee's Math Class)
  4. Do Math Coursebook page 13 and 14 (Miss Lee's Math Class)
  5. Do Math Activity Book page 11 and 12 (Miss Lee's Math Class)
  6. Family Tree Bio Book (3 Generations)
  7. Do Math AB page 7-10 (Miss Dionne's Math Class)

Monday 13 January 2014

Homework for 13/1/14

Homework and Administration for 13/1/14
  1. To do your Family Tree in bio. book (3 generations)
  2. Complete school survey
  3. Do stellar LS corrections and LS 7
  4. Do hand up Camp Info sheet by tomorrow (to those who have not handed in) 
Miss Lee's Math Class Homework
  1. Activity Sheet 1 Corrections 
  2. Math Worksheet 1
  3. Math Coursebook Page 12 and Page 13 Q8

Sunday 12 January 2014


1) Math Activity Book Corrections p1 to 6
2) Math Activity Book p7 to 10
3) Journal - My December Holidays
4) English Stellar LS3 (for those who needs to redo it)

Saturday 11 January 2014

Meet The Parents Session 2014

Dear Parents,

Thank you for taking the time off to attend the session yesterday! Mdm Cham (Co-Form of 5 Joy), Mdm Jasmine Yeo and I really appreciate meeting you in person and having the chance to interact with you in order for us to connect and understand your child better. For parents who were unable to make it for the session, an information sheet that was given during the session will be passed to your child. Please feel free to contact me via the blog or email me should you have any questions.

I look forward to meeting you again!

Best regards,
Miss Lee

Thursday 9 January 2014


  1. Submit Camp Info Sheet by tomorrow. (Friday 10/1) 
  2. Bring coloured markers and pens for science tomorrow.
  3. Do Stellar LS 2,3 and 8
  4. Do Cloze Passage Worksheet 
  5. Do Journal by monday(13/1) (Topic is: My December Holiday)
  6. Don't forget to sign your note book!! :))

Wednesday 8 January 2014


1)Bring coloured markers for science on Friday. (this is for the Mindmap)
2)Do Maths activity book, from page 1-6 (Miss Lee's class)
3)Do Maths activity book, from page 1-2 (Miss Dionne's class)
4)Sign and date Pupil Updating Form using RED PEN. (submit by tomorrow)
5)Sign and submit Camp Info Sheet by Friday (10/1)
6) Do LS 1 and 10 (page 1, 13, 14 and 15 ) Unit 1
 A quote by Nelson Mandela, always rise when you fall.

Dear pupils,

Please note the change. For English Stellar LS, page 15 has to be completed as well.

Miss Lee

Tuesday 7 January 2014

List of Pronouns

Dear children,

As discussed in class earlier, you can click HERE to read more about pronouns and see a summary of them in the tables below.

Miss Lee


Homework & Administration (7 January 2014)

1) Do Stellar LS9
2) Spelling Next Wed (15/1)
3) Submit Pupil Updating Form tomorrow
4) Submit Parent-Teacher Meeting reply slip tomorrow
  [For those who have not handed it in]
5) Submit Science File & Biology Book tomorrow
  [For those who have not handed it in]

Remember to get your parents to sign your Handbook/Notebook too :)

Monday 6 January 2014


Dear children,

Congratulations on winning the class cheer! I think all of you did a marvellous job! Always strive for the best and you will achieve the best. Our hard work has paid off :') I look forward to seeing you tomorrow!

Miss Lee


1) Don't forget to bring a thermometer for tomorrow. Please check whether the thermometer is working.
2) Bring a white board and marker by tomorrow.
3)Show both letters that was given just now to parents. (to be given by tomorrow)
4)Submit Meet The Parents reply slip.
5) To pupils who have not handed in Journal, Files and other subject books, please hand in everything by tomorrow.
     Good job to everyone, you did really well for the cheering competition just now!! :) You were awesome and keep up the good work!! :)

Saturday 4 January 2014

Forever Upward

Dear children,

Before we officially begin class next week, I just wanted to share with all of you the video that I have shown in class on Friday before your goal setting. Remember to aim high and always begin with the end in mind, and never settle for less when you can achieve more. Enjoy this inspiring exploration of what drives humanity forward and motivates individuals to accomplish amazing things.

On a side note, I have roped in my siblings to help with the cheerleading props (pom-poms)! I hope all of you can make and bring more on Monday too because more hands make less work! 

Displaying photo.JPG

See you soon!
Miss Lee

Friday 3 January 2014

Second Day of School and Reminders

Dear children,

I enjoyed reading things about you in the Personal Profile Form and I look forward to getting to know you better!

Here are the things you need to take note of over the weekend:
1) Bring whiteboard and markers by Monday, 6 Jan (you can leave them in the locker)
2) Bring English Journal by Mon, 6 Jan
3) Chat over Breakfast (COB) on Monday
4) To get a lock for locker
5) To bring thermometer from Mon, 6 Jan onwards for Temperature Taking Exercise (TTE)
6) Bring pom pom and class decoration items
7) Show school letters to parents: TTE and COB letters

This is a reminder to those who did not get your parents to acknowledge the homework yesterday. Please do so by Monday and I will be checking as I walk around.

As for the rest who have done it, excellent!:) Continue to keep up the good practice!

Scroll down to the earlier post for 5 Joy class cheer!

Miss Lee

5 Joy Class Cheer!

Cheer 1:

We're not afraid, we're not afraid
To take a stand, to take a stand,
Everybody, everybody
We're charming 5 Joy, we're charming 5 Joy

We're not afraid, we're not afraid
of anybody, of anybody
We're being joyful, we're being joyful
We're joyful 5 Joy, we're joyful 5 Joy.

Cheer 2:

Cheerleaders: Give me a J!
Class: J!
Cheerleaders: Give me an O!
Class: O!
Cheerleaders: Give me a Y!
Class: Y!
Cheerleaders: What does that spell?
Class: Joy!
Cheerleaders: What does that spell?
Class: 5 Joy!

Cheer 3:

Hey 5 Joy, you're so fine
You're so fine, you blow my mind
Hey 5 Joy, hey 5 Joy!

Hey 5 Joy, you're so fine
You're so fine, you blow my mind
Hey 5 Joy, hey 5 Joy!

Hey 5 Joy, you're so fine
You're so fine, you blow my mind
Hey 5 Joy, hey 5 Joy!
Ooooooooo, 5 JOY! (Pupils holding the class placards to run through the middle of the aisle to the front and form a straight line, waving the cards high in the air!)

All the best! I think all of you did wonderful today!:)

Miss Lee

Thursday 2 January 2014

First Day at School and Materials to Bring Tomorrow!

Dear 5 Joy,

It is back to school for all of you today and I hope you enjoyed your first day at school!:) 

Please remember to pass the Form Teacher's Welcome Letter to your parents and bring the acknowledgement slip tomorrow.

Things to bring tomorrow: 
1. Do get your parents to acknowledge beside the homework in the blue notebook today.

2. Show Form Teacher's Welcome Letter to parent (bring reply slip tomorrow)
3. English: 1 black file, 1 red file, 1 Word Bank/Notes exercise bookSpelling Book & Journal Book (due Monday, 6th Jan)
4. Math: 1 blue fileShaping Maths 5A Coursebook & Activity Book (Part 1), 1Math exercise book

5. Bring Report Book tomorrow for those who have yet to submit
6. Show Chat Over Breakfast school letter to parents

See you tomorrow!
Miss Lee


Welcome everyone to the Personalised Class Blog of 5 Joy 2014! Over here, pupils will have access to educational and fun links whereas parents will be able to keep yourselves updated of school/classroom matters.

Dear Pupils, words which are a little difficult will have links to ''. These words will be in purple colour, and when you click on them, it will bring you to the definition. This will help you on your reading and as well as to expand on your Vocabulary. After reading the definition, just click the 'Back' button on your browser to come back to the blog. Please approach me if you have any problems.

 Dear Parents, please feel free to contact me with regards to any matters. Close partnership often leads to desirable behaviour of a child, whether behavioural, emotional, social, or academic aspects. Thank you!

Miss Vanessa Lee